Getting Started
You might want to check out how FERUM works by running one of the examples provided with the program package. To do so, proceed as follows:
- Download the archive file, extract all compressed files to a directory of your choice (extraction with pathnames) and add all the extracted files and their respective directories to your Search Path, as described in the Download menu.
- Read one of the example inputfiles into your Matlab workspace. This can be done by issuing the command >> inputfile_xxx in Matlab. You now have the necessary input parameters for a reliability analysis in your current Matlab workspace.
- Issue the command >> ferum in the Matlab workspace.
- Choose a specific option (e.g. option 10 for a FORM analysis).
- The program now performs an analysis corresponding to the selected option and gives you intermediate results/information as it runs.
- If the analysis is successful, you will finally see an overview of the available result parameters on the screen. These results are gathered in the fields of a specific structure in the Matlab workspace (e.g. formresults if a FORM analysis is run).